Plan Bathroom Remodeling and Renovations

Plan Bathroom Remodeling Jobs
for Comfort, Investment

Imagine yourself in the bathroom of your dreams.
Now wake up.

Thinking about remodeling that old bathroom? Tile chipped or the color dated? Fixtures on their last leg? Remodeling a bathroom can increase the comfort factor of life at home exponentially. Not only that, but it's often a smart move financially; a wise investment today can generate good returns when it's time to sell your home. Indeed, it can sometimes be the deciding factor as to whether a home sells--or not.

But fashionable comfort doesn't just happen on its own; it takes forethought and planning. Ditto for good investments. Whether you're planning a back-to-the-studs renovation that will tax a team of tradesmen, or a modest remodel that you can handle yourself, allow plenty of time for planning and preparation.

Why? Well, hot pink ceramic tile and a novelty cow's head for a lavatory faucet might strike your fashion fancy today, but is this really what you want to face every morning for the next five or ten years? In a similar vein, imported Italian marble flooring and fixtures by designers with unpronounceable names might be all the craze on cable designer shows, but in your 1930's saltbox in a working class neighborhood, will you ever get your money out of it?

And of course, without planning, there's always the specter of a looming disaster. Whether you categorize your disasters in terms of time or money or heartache, they can be real and plentiful -- without adequate planning.

In older homes especially, walls are rarely square, plumb and flat. But they need to be... to accommodate tile. New toilets need to fit old sewer pipes. Water shut-off valves can rust themselves inoperable, just when they're needed most. A hammer dropped in a bathtub can chip the porcelain. New paint might not match old, new fixtures might not fit, the electrician might not show, and two aspirin and a cold compress might not do the trick.

Take the time and expend the energy to plan before disasters. And reap the benefits.

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